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Society for Free Radical Research
Korea 2024 Symposium

2024 한국프리라디칼학회 학술대회

Advances and Innovations in Redox Biology and Cellular Mechanisms

2024년 11월 15일(금)   이화여자대학교 ECC 이삼봉홀

November 15, 2024   
ECC Lee Sambong Hall, Ewha Womans University


주 제 Advances and Innovations in Redox Biology and Cellular Mechanisms

일 시 2024년 11월 15일(금)

장 소 이화여자대학교 ECC 이삼봉홀

Time Program
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 Opening
Session I : Exploring New Frontiers in Redox Biology Chair : 배옥남 (한양대)
09:10-09:35 (S1-1) Polarization to tumor-associated macrophages by PLK1-FoxM1 signaling in metastatic lung cancer 임형신 (한양대)
Hyungshin Yim
09:35-10:00 (S1-2) Redox regulation of a protein controls lipid peroxidation at the plasma membrane and ferroptosis. 이은우 (생공연)
Eun-Woo Lee
10:00-10:25 (S1-3) Selenium metabolites and selenoproteins: Two layers of anti-ferroptosis mechanisms 이남규 (단국대)
Namgyu Lee
10:25-10:50 (S1-4) TAZ deficiency increases oxidative stress through NRF2 dysregulation and lysosomal dysfunction 황은숙 (이화여대)
Eun Sook Hwang
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
Plenary Lecture I Chair : 하헌주 (이화여대)
11:10-11:50 (PL1) Adipose tissue remodeling and metabolism 김재범 (서울대)
Jae Bum Kim
11:50-13:10 Lunch
Plenary Lecture II Chair : 서영준 (서울대)
11:10-11:50 (PL2) Unveiling the roles of peroxiredoxins in cardiovascular pathologies: A comprehensive exploration 오구택 (이화여대)
Goo Taeg Oh
Session II : Innovative Approaches in Redox BiologyChair : 박필훈 (영남대)
13:50-14:15 (S2-1) Modulation of nitric oxide for the treatment of inflammatory disease 김원종 (포항공대)
Won Jong Kim
14:15-14:40 (S2-2) Exploring chemical and genetic space of toxicity with AI technologies 김선 (서울대)
14:40-15:05 (S2-3) Regulation of redox balance by glutamine metabolism in cancer cells 한정민 (연세대)
Jung Min Han
15:05-15:30 (S2-4) Exercise-induced myokines in regulation of metabolic disease 허주영 (중앙대)
Joo Young Huh
15:30-15:45 coffee Break
Plenary Lecture Ⅲ Chair : 박래길 (GIST)
15:45-16:25 (PL2) PAK4 as a key member of redox regulation: A novel insight against ischemia and reperfusion injuries 박병현 (KAIST)
Byung-Hyun Park
Session III: Emerging Mechanisms in Cellular Senescence, Radioresistance, and Adipocyte Regulation (supported by Jeju Research Center
for Natural Medicine of Core Research Institute) Chair : 현진원 (제주대)
16:25-16:50 (S3-1) T-cell-restricted intracellular antigen-1 directs cellular senescence by regulating mitochondrial dynamics 이은경 (가톨릭대)
Eun Kyung Lee
16:50-17:15 (S3-2) Deacetylase activity independent epigenetic regulation by HDAC6 confers the radioresistance of NSCLCs  김우영 (숙명여대)
Woo-Young Kim
17:15-17:40 (S3-3) Coordination of adipocyte hypertrophy and differentiation via ARHGEF3: Dual activation pathways involving YAP-RhoA and PPARγ 윤미섭 (가천대)
Mee-Sup Yoon